After working at different agencies throughout her career, Lisa Kindmark wanted to try something else while still staying within the industry. Fortunately, she found her match as a Senior Digital Marketing Consultant at Beyond Retail - a job she today compares to being a detective.

After working at different agencies throughout her career, Lisa Kindmark wanted to try something else while still staying within the industry. Fortunately, she found her match as a Senior Digital Marketing Consultant at Beyond Retail - a job she today compares to being a detective.
Lisa Kindmark started at Beyond Retail in November last year but has worked with digital marketing her whole career. Her initial roles were broadly focused on content marketing and marketing automation. After that, she continued to move towards analytics and tracking when developing an interest in the technical aspects of the job. But after working at marketing agencies for most of her career, she wanted to try something else.
- I actually first got in touch with Beyond Retail a few years ago and have kept them in the back of my mind ever since. I’ve always considered them to have an exciting client portfolio and interesting people working there. So when the right timing came, I felt it was a good step for me to take, and seized the opportunity, Lisa says and continues:
- Which I’m happy for today. Now when I’m working on the consultancy side, I feel I get a much better understanding of the business and the organizations. It’s fun to work so closely with the clients and see the bigger picture and impact of what I do.
Detective work
When realizing that she wanted to try something else in her career, she knew that she didn’t want to leave the marketing industry. Instead, she wanted to work even closer to the industry in order to understand the clients’ complete digital journey.
- It’s such an exciting industry, and it feels like I’m constantly expanding my horizons and entering new territories. I find it most interesting to see the whole vision of a digital presence, focusing on digital marketing. There are always so many pieces that have to fit together for everything to work, and that’s what’s fun about the job. Sometimes it feels like I’m a detective, she says and laughs.
Today, her role as a Senior Digital Marketing Consultant means she’s leading and supervising digital maturity and performance marketing projects and developing strategies, surface insights, and initiatives to help businesses break new ground.
- It’s important to understand what it takes to affect upward and downward trends, what kind of impact different initiatives have, and what competence is required. Since it’s such a fast-moving industry, staying on your toes and being alert is crucial. Otherwise, you get a bit outdated and redundant in your way of working.
So, how do you stay relevant?
- Well, generally just by staying up-to-date with the latest trends. But also by talking to my colleagues. We have such different backgrounds, and there’s always a good opportunity to learn something new when talking with each other.
A future together
Despite Lisa’s broad experience in the industry, things can get challenging and stressful sometimes. Luckily, she knows what helps her through those moments: colleagues and Crossfit.
- Sometimes, it can be challenging to balance different expectations from different stakeholders. But I’m glad I have my colleagues; we’re such an amazing team. Despite the fact that we don’t see each other every day, we have a really good connection, and our shared experiences bring us together. I also do a lot of Crossfit in my spare time. It’s what keeps me sane when a lot is going on at work, she says and laughs.
In the future, Lisa hopes to continue her journey at Beyond Retail. Both for her personal development, to keep advancing in her career, but also to stay relevant within the business and the industry.
- I like it here very much and have a hard time imagining myself somewhere else in the near future. Beyond Retail has many exciting things coming up, and I want to be a part of that journey. I want to see how the industry is changing, all trends coming and going, challenges and opportunities arising, and how my responsibilities will change with it.