Stefan Johanson has vast experience from working in the tech industry and sees it as one of the most important priorities within marketing. In his role as Senior Digital Marketing Consultant at Beyond Retail, he will use that expertise with a customer-centric perspective.
When Stefan Johanson decided to look for new opportunities from his previous position at an ad tech agency, things went fast and with high accuracy. His competency is well-sought after, and Beyond Retail took the chance to hire him quickly. Today, he’s been at Beyond Retail since June and is so far pleasantly surprised by the situation.
– Beyond Retail were very efficient in the recruitment process. I hadn’t really thought about working for Beyond Retail, but from the first interview, things went very smoothly. Which I’m super happy for today, Stefan says and continues:
– I thought that the consulting industry would be individualistic, almost having to push myself forward all the time, but it’s not at all like that. Everyone I’ve met has been incredibly friendly, which was one of the most important parts for me; kind colleagues and a nice vibe.
Stefan’s role at Beyond Retail is as a Senior Digital Marketing Consultant. He’s specialized in paid social marketing and has previously worked a lot with channels like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and Pinterest.
He explains: – My daily work equals a broad scope of everything from super techy stuff to ensuring that the campaigns are up and running in every channel.
Priorities within marketing
Stefan has spent his last five years working at a company within ad tech, a product-focused agency using automation and algorithm solutions for paid social media channels. Even though his understanding of tech will be a big advantage in marketing going forward, it also comes with some challenges.
– The development of tech will play a big part for all companies, even outside the so-called tech industry as we know it today. All companies today have heavy tech infrastructures, and with more machine learning and algorithm solutions coming, this line between tech and everything else will blur even more, he says and continues:
– And it’s important for companies to understand this so their marketing priorities are tailored for their businesses. Sometimes certain habits and processes need to be revised, and making everyone understand that can be challenging. But communication is always a good start. Mutual understanding is much more efficient than convincing someone about something, so making sure to be on the same page and in the same team is always my first priority.
The most important asset
When Stefan started at Beyond Retail in June this summer, he did it at the Gothenburg Hub as the second person on the team. Today, three months later, the team has grown to four people – with more coming soon – creating an opportunity to shape the office culture early.
– Being this early into Beyond Retail’s journey in Gothenburg is exciting. I think the people in an organization are the most important asset, and creating a nice vibe early is essential. I hope everyone gets a good feeling when working here, so the vibe continues in our work when we’re at our clients, he says.
But asides from becoming acclimated to the new job and assignment, Stefan has big goals for the future – shifting focus from a very tech-centric perspective to a customer-tech perspective in digital marketing:
– Right now, my focus is just doing the best job possible and getting a positive start. Later on, I aim to take on either a CMO position or senior positions within branding and brand building, because I think that is one of the most important aspects in the future of business. As more and more businesses are focusing on “selling everything to everyone”, for a customer to choose a particular brand’s product over a similar, lower price product on Amazon for example, it will be for the relationship, feeling, and sense of belonging, highlighting the growing joint importance of building strong customer relationships.