Read how our consultant Sophie Landquist helped Tretorn in their launch of their new brand Racqet. View key objectives, approach and the business impact.

"Having an interim e-commerce consultant from Beyond Retail like Sophie Landquist strongly contributed to the success of the project launch, no doubt. In a project with such tight deadlines, building and launching a new brand with new suppliers - high operational capacity as well as strong commercial strategic input has been critical. Working with Sophie has been an absolute pleasure and something I highly recommend, unless she starts working for us."
- Soliman Herrera Johansson, Head of Online Marketing & Sales at Tretorn Europe
Earlier this spring (2021) Beyond Retail had the pleasure of working with Tretorn. Sophie Landquist joined the client and as an e-commerce consultant she was responsible for setting the commercial strategy as well as the planning and execution of activities on the global webshop. She was also part of the launch of Tretorn’s new concept brand - Racqet, a physical and digital brand focused on racquet-sports that launched successfully last Friday, 12th of March.
Below is a summary of the key objectives by the client, Beyond Retails approach to helping and how Sophie combined this into business impact.
Key objectives:
- Create a commercial plan for the first month after launch
- Brief and follow up on requirements towards the UX design agency as well as e-commece platform regarding webshop design and commercial offerings
- Order and publish all content to the new webshop (images and copy for tactical activities and general information towards the customer)
Our approach:
- Competitor analysis of brand’s top competitors (including UX-design, commercial offerings, tactical messages, visual merchandising etc.)
- Creation of commercial plan together with Head of Online Marketing & Sales, buyers and other internal stakeholders. Making sure we had a solid ground of commercial offerings contributing to both net sales and long term revenue
- Brief towards the UX design agency based on competitor analysis, brand identity as well as commercial plan.
- Tight communication with the e-commerce platform as well as internal stakeholders in order to execute on the commercial plan. Including understanding of technical possibilities and limitations regarding commercial offerings
- Ordering content from the internal marketing department for both tactical material (opening offers and campaigns) as well as general information to webshop (FAQ, About us page etc.)
- Publishing and testing content and commercial offerings together with the internal e-commerce department prior to launch. Being flexible with adjustments after new learnings on customer needs after launch
Business impact:
- Successful launch of new brand with commercial content and settings ready within set timeline
- Reached 3 months sales forecast after just 4 days
- Cart starter product stood for 10% of total net sales with good margins
In summary, not losing speed in this high pace project was a top priority for the client, and through hiring an interim consultant the project moved forward as planned. It added the extra capacity needed in order to make it to the finishing line with a competitive commercial offering for the new brand (Racqet), as well as maintaining the day-to-day operations of the company’s core brand (Tretorn).
At Beyond Retail we aim to fill the client’s need for competence – whether that is through recruitment, consultancy services or a combination of both. We want to make the experience as seamless as possible.
If you need help in your commercial organization with anything from operational excellence to strategic input. Don’t hesitate to contact me at or +46 70-3488002. We can support you with interim solutions and-/or work on a project basis to advise on your next steps.